
Showing posts from September, 2022

Purposes of social media

  The purpose of a social media page by Oscar Smith

What are digipaks?

  What are Digipaks? by Oscar Smith

Introducing 2 Step – My new artist

  Introducing by Oscar Smith

Genre – A key concept of Media Studies

  Genre - A key concept of Media by Oscar Smith

Differences between single artist and band videos

  Differences between single artist and and band videos by Oscar Smith

Analysing Music Genres

  Analysing the music genres: Pop rock rap by Oscar Smith

What is Representation

  Representation by Oscar Smith

Purposes of the music video

  What is the purpose of a music video by Oscar Smith

History of the music video.


My tastes in music

Sheeran etc. Though as I got older my tastes in music have developed and changed to more of the music under the genre of rap. Such rappers I listen to are Polo G, Lil Baby etc. My music can change due to the mood I’m in though I’d say still say under the genre of rap the speed of the music is the most noticeable change I would say. As if I was in a happy mood I’d want to listen to faster music and is seems more enjoyable to listen to. For the music industry I personally just like the way it sounds and how it flows as I base my music on the flow and ultimately the sound of the music not really paying attention to the lyrics as much. For a controversy in the music industry of the genre rap I’d say more of the diss tracks rappers create for one and other though they’re dissing one and other the amount of views they receive which leads to higher revenue and ultimately having a wider fan base is very beneficial. Which is why I believe the music industry have latched onto this and create...

Year 12 Recap

I created a opening scene. I really enjoyed the filming and the editing of the task as I was able to see how much work was needed to create an opening scene. Though I enjoyed it editing I would probably say was the most difficult as I needed to think about what and why I would need to add things to our scenes. Which is why I found it difficult, as I needed to increase sound in all parts and change the colour in scenes to make the scene look visually better and more appealing. I’d have liked to prepare more thoroughly with the scenes and recording process as when it got to the edit I found myself having to re-record some scenes. My aims would be for next year are to develop my practical skills in the music video assignment such as directing and my camera skills, where I would need to think about the angles of the camera and even the type of lens used to record the scenes. I also want to improve my knowledge of theorists and their theories as I have some knowledge of theorists but I can ...