Camera work used in Action Films.
High Angle Shot.
High Angle Shots are used to make the character or object smaller than what it actually is. This creates the image of them being vulnerable, powerless and at a disadvantage.
Low Angle Shot.
Close Up Shots are used to show a characters reactions and emotions in a scene. This creates from the audiences perspective a more realistic feel as you can see exactly how the character is feeling due to Close Up Shots mainly be showing the characters facial features.
Wide Shot.
Wide Shots are used to show a character or object and it's environment/background. A wide shot is able to show to the audience who is in the scene, and where the scene takes place.
All of the camera angles/shots above are ideas of possible camera shots and angles I could use in my opening scene. With the high angle shot if I wanted aa character to look small and vulnerable, a low angle shot to make the character look big and powerful, a close up shot to really show the facial features and emotion being played in the scene, and a wide shot to possibly show a little more than what the other shots give this could be if I want to show more of the background and environment in a scene. All camera shots will have to be thought about thoroughly and possibly the same scene tried in different camera angles to get the best shot available for the scene.
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