What do you need to create? Do you have any ideas at this point. What research will you need to conduct.

  •  Opening Movie Scenes.
            Titles + Opening.
  •  2 Minutes.
           Straight to the action due to only having 2 minutes of video. 
 An opening scene.
  •  Genre: Fiction.
 Create a fake story but a believable one.
 I will use YouTube clips and movies with the genre fiction to get inspiration, this would give me    ideas for when I create my own video. 

I have 2 ideas at this point, with the genre being either Horror or Action.


  • We want to create fear and suspense within the audience.
  • We want to scare the audience whilst also give the element of mystery.
  • We would want the set to be dark.
  • For sound it will be quiet with possibly a quiet background sound and possibly noises could be amplified to make a bigger effect.
  • Possible uses of masks could be a good idea as well as costumes would be key as they are the things that stick out to the audience. 
  • As seen in the image below most characters have a mask or something they're wearing that makes them different and noticeable.

  • We want to create something interesting for the audience so they don't get bored.
  • To do this we would keep it fast paced.
  • Possibly include a fight scene or a chase scene and add slow motion.
  • An idea is to add stunts and something different for the audience to see.
  • With action which makes it so good for viewers and something they like is violence so possibly the idea to add a scene with violence could work.
  • As seen in the image below it looks interesting and appealing to the audience to watch which is what we want to create.

For research we could:
  • YouTube. 
  • Movies.
  • Short movie clips.
  • see what the audience like the most about the Genre; Horror or Action.
  • Look at the reviews of other Horrors and Action movies to see an insight of the  audiences opinion.
  • Think about the area and which Genre would be better and suit the background of video.
  • Create mind maps to create ideas to choose from.
  • Find out where other directors got there ideas from.


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