
 Music is important for films because:

  • They establish atmosphere, time and place.
  • Move the action forward.
  • Describes character.
  • Accompany scene changes.
  • Add to the dramatic impact.
  • Provides continuity across edits.

Most of the time music used in action films is diegetic, which is sound that comes from the world of a story. 
Though non-diegetic sound can be used, which is sound that comes from our world such as soundtracks.

Music includes many elements that are important for action movies such as some may give off the fast flow to increase tension in a scene, it can also give emotions of the characters. Many films now get an artist to create a song for the movie, which would be played in some scenes of the film. An example of this is that os James Bond they choose an artist to make a song that they use for the film. An example is Spectre where they got Sam Smith to write a song which was "Writing's On The Wall" which was then played in Spectre. By doing this the music that is played can match up exactly to the feeling of the film as well as what is being shown, as with working with the artist they can ask for different specifications to include in the song to really fulfil the feeling of the film being shown.

Sam Smith. - Writing's On The Wall. 

Though I won't be able to get an artist to create a song for my opening scene I could create background sound through garage band and with this I can create it for how I want it to sound to try and make it go with what I am showing in my scene. 
I could even create a theme tune instead as many theme tunes are recognisable such as the likes of Jaws. If I can create a catchy theme tune it is more likely the audience will remember it.

Jaws Theme Song.

Rocky Theme Song.

With all of these examples they give me ideas on how  i can introduce any music into my opening scene. Either to use an already existing song that matches the storyline or create my own backing track on garage band. But most importantly which ever choice I do choose it has to match the storyline ad blend in with what is happening as I believe if done incorrectly it could ruin our piece but if done well it could really be beneficial for my opening scene.


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