
Showing posts from November, 2021

Drafts of scripts and storyboards.

SCRIPT.   Written by: Oscar Smith.   EXT/ NIGHT   WIDE  LONG SHOT (Establishing )  Surroundings   ( description needed)       INT/NIGHT - Scene starts at   a bar. ( what  does this bar look like, what shot will this be – think about framing)       Bartender    Hi how are you today? How can I help?   Women    Hello  could I get two shots please.   Bartender goes and gets two shots and starts to speak to the women.   Bartender    You on your own here tonight.   Women    Yes it's been a long day.    GFX – 25 minutes later.   After a long conversation the woman gets up to leave. The bartender believes the woman has a liking towards him and gets attached. He decides to leave as well to follow the women without her knowing.   Bartender  and woman leave.   The women  realises  she is being followed by him s...

Preliminary Task.

Preliminary Task.  For my Preliminary Task I used to have a YouTube account and make videos. I have decided to resurface one of my old videos and re-edit it for this task. I wanted to practise my editing skills and see what it would be like to edit a video along the lines of an action movie which is fast paced and quick. So I wanted to try and replicate the feel of action movies with the video I used in this Preliminary Task.  I believe it has helped me understand how to edit a lot more and made me think about how I need to set up my scenes for the opening scene of my piece. I also need to make the editing side of it a fast paced feel to it as well with possibly some dramatic music etc.

Planning for props and costumes.

  Props. Any props we need we can: Use what we already have. Buy on amazon. Borrow of friends, family. Borrow school. (Drama). Make or design a prop. Depending on what we choose for our storyline and if props will be fundamental for our opening scene will determine how to source a prop. If it is fundamental we may decide to buy the prop as it will be of better condition and look better but if it is needed in a scene but doesn't matter the way it looks etc we may decide to look else where and create the prop or borrow it from somewhere. Costumes. Any costumes we need we can: Use what we already have. Buy from certain shops/brands. Borrow of friends/family. Borrow of school. (Drama). Create or design a costume. For costumes again depending on how we want to look in the scene if that is formal or non formal. We most likely can can cater for both if it is either of a suit or a tracksuit, but if we decide we need more costumes in the opening scene we may need to source them from either ...

Camera work used in Action Films.

 High Angle Shot. High Angle Shots are used to make the character or object smaller than what it actually is. This creates the image of  them being vulnerable, powerless and at a disadvantage. Low Angle Shot. Low Angle Shots are used to make the character or object bigger that what it actually is. This creates the image of them being strong, powerful and dominant. Close up. Close Up Shots are used to show a characters reactions and emotions in a scene. This creates from the audiences perspective a more realistic feel as you can see exactly how the character is feeling due to Close Up Shots mainly be showing the characters facial features. Wide Shot. Wide Shots are used to show a character or object and it's environment/background. A wide shot is able to show to the audience who is in the scene, and where the scene takes place. All of the camera angles/shots above are ideas of possible camera shots and angles I could use in my opening scene. With the high angle shot if I wanted...


 Music is important for films because: They establish atmosphere, time and place. Move the action forward. Describes character. Accompany scene changes. Add to the dramatic impact. Provides continuity across edits. Most of the time music used in action films is diegetic, which is sound that comes from the world of a story.  Though non-diegetic sound can be used, which is sound that comes from our world such as soundtracks. Music includes many elements that are important for action movies such as some may give off the fast flow to increase tension in a scene, it can also give emotions of the characters. Many films now get an artist to create a song for the movie, which would be played in some scenes of the film. An example of this is that os James Bond they choose an artist to make a song that they use for the film. An example is Spectre where they got Sam Smith to write a song which was "Writing's On The Wall" which...

Writings and Fonts.

 Movie: Get Smart (1965) The way they used the fonts at the start of the film flowed well within the scene and it didn't feel as if something was covering what was also being shown. With the name of actors and directors for films being important to show the audience who was starring in the film hence the reason they added writing to the start of the opening scene. The writing used though in the middle of the screen it blended in nicely and the font of the writing matched the feeling being shown on the screen. Movie: Men In Black (1997) With Men In Black and with the storyline being about aliens the font of actors and directors included should match the storyline and with the font they used I feel it does as the font is skinny with little round balls going through it. It can remind you of stars which links to space and with the writing it looks different it longer and slim which gives the feel of it being and looking abnormal. Which lin...

Research - Mise En Scene.

Locations. Aldenham School. Large empty fields could be a good idea if we wanted a chase scene. Older buildings for again chase scenes, and could add context. Hemel Hempstead. Train Station. Woodland. Empty roads. Car parks. London. Can add context if needed. Noting Hill. Buckingham Palace. London Eye. River Thames. Tourist attractions. Costumes. Suits as this can be if we choose to have a more smart and formal scene. Tracksuits if we choose to look more informal and relaxed. In this image it is from the movie Kingsman. As seen in the image the characters are both in suits making the the scene look more formal and making the characters looking smarter. With that the storyline is about spies and the stereotype is spies wear suits and are smartly dressed, this could influence my decision when creating my scene if I decide to make the story which includes spies or not. In this image it is from the movie Blue Story. As shown in the image the characters are in tracksuits a less formal costu...

Research into our Target Audience.

  Action. Action movies though can be targeted at anyone. As though you can target a certain age group people from other ages out of that target group can and still able to watch an action movie. Though for me when making my opening sequence I will be targeting the ages between 16-25 this is due to action movies having fast scenes, fight scenes, violence and possibly sexual content. All of those attract the target audience between the ages of 16-25. Majority of the audience we would be targeting would be males. As shown in the diagram below 90% of male adults compared to 86% female adults watch action movies. Horror. Horror movies are mostly targeted at 16-24 year olds this is due to the teenagers and young adult prefers the thrill that a horror movies gives off compared to the older generation. Hence the reason why I will be targeting an audience with the age between 16-24. Also the majority of viewers are...